Saturday, 13 December 2014

Lemmings are revolting

Parliament square was awash with banners and flags being waved furiously by Lemmings from across the land. They are in turmoil after their national charity organisation 'Let's Not Jump' reported earnings massively down on the preceding years. Spokeslemming Ian Frazer was characteristicly loud in his criticism of rival charity 'Help To Cry' which the Lemming community accuse of diluting their income. "I can't believe these bastards, stealing our desperately needed money and frittering it away on bloody antidepressants, counseling and P.T.S.D. therapy, it does my head in!"
Help to Cry answered their critics with cries of 'Do it, do it, do it' which made matters even worse.
We asked several green and blue clad protesters what they intended as a reaction to this goading. A particularly unhappy member of the crowd shook violently for a few seconds then exploded into a thousand bits ( you need to be a certain age to pick this one up)
Help To Cry's patron Gwen Paltry said "It really isn't our fault that house builders have driven us to this level of dispair" before having her own meltdown and having to be helped into her private ambulance for treatment. Campaigner Lemmbek Ofeck, a former victim of Pissemoff homes, said that he had great sympathy with both parties and that there was a small chance that of the three hundred and forty two letters he had written to housing minister Dick Bowels MP he hoped that at least one might get read by an intern or similar. In the letters, Mr Ofeck had pleaded with the minister to appoint an Ombudsman to take control of the 'wild west' that was the state of the house building industry to bring an end to the misery and suffering endured by new-build owners and to prevent the use of dodgy walls, deep mud and faulty gas ovens as the new favourite causa mortis of the hapless Lemmings.

Disclaimer: This story is satire - this means it is for entertainment only and is not true. Mr Anthrop accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of this information - it is all untrue. If you are a house developer reading this , well done!

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