Saturday, 6 December 2014

help to cry scheme

The Government, buoyed up by what appeared to be a successful plan to encourage first time buyers to buy hugely overpriced, undersized and badly built shacks are showing their sensitivity to the aftermath of their folly by bringing a new pre-election initiative today.
Help to cry was launched by patron Gwen Paltry at a shelter for severely shafted new home buyers in Walsall. She began her launch speech but had to be helped from the stage by her entourage as she was clearly moved by the worthy cause.

Afterwards Gwen apologized for her characteristic behavior and hoped that the program would help others to let it all out and sob uncontrollably knowing there was someone, somewhere who gave a shit - there has to be...right?

...surely there must be?

...oh you're kidding me?



Disclaimer: This story is satire - this means it is for entertainment only and is not true. Mr Anthrop accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of this information - it is all untrue. If you are a house developer reading this , well done!

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