A huge mound of earth has suddenly appeared right next to our fence. It is about twenty feet high and at first I thought that
Amenhotep II, the seventh pharoah of the eighteen dynasty was being re-entombed next to my house and that my summerhouse was to be converted to the grand entrance. Then I thought, that's a ridiculous idea, they would never get the sarcophagus through my side gate. Then I thought it might be a birm which I recall seeing in the gulf war for hiding tanks. My heart was thumping now, as I caught sight of someone in a beret strutting militarily around the base of the mound. Luckily ( I'm so thick) it wasn't a beret it was Yorkshire flat hat which presumably the HSE must have now cleared for use as suitable protection for machine operatives seeing as most either wear them or Beats headphones (or both)
Seriously though I still have no idea what this massive pile of earth is doing there and am happy to accept answers on a postcard or to those that understand it (and I don't) @MrAnthrop on twitter.
says it all really |
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